powerpoint night AI ideas

PowerPoint Night Ideas: Creative Topics for Your Next PowerPoint Party

Story time. John Young, one of NASA’s first astronauts, snuck a corned beef sandwich onto the Gemini 3 mission in 1965 to avoid eating the poor-quality food that existed in the early days of the space program. But the crumbs from said sandwich were considered so dangerous during spaceflight that when his smuggling act was discovered, Young was reprimanded for it. Years later, in 1981, Young would go on to command the first mission of NASA’s new space shuttle, complete with advancements in space food technology and considerations for the astronauts’ personal tastes. On the menu for the mission was corned beef. 

This is a story you can include at your next PowerPoint night, assuming the topic you’re going with is “The Most Petty Historical Figures (And Why I Respect Them).” But if that topic doesn’t strike your fancy, that’s OK. We’re here to give you many more topic and theme ideas for your next PowerPoint party. 

What is a PowerPoint Night? 

If you’ve stumbled upon this page and don’t know what a PowerPoint night is, allow us to fill you in. A PowerPoint night is a social gathering with friends or family that involves each participant creating a PowerPoint presentation about a topic. The topic is either chosen by the individual or is assigned to everyone ahead of time to fit a certain theme. At the party, each person takes a turn presenting, often with hilarious results. 

Sounds nerdy, right? Well, maybe it is, but it’s also a lot of fun. The idea took root during the COVID-19 pandemic and has become a popular trend ever since. 

PowerPoint Night Topics 

The hardest part of these PowerPoint nights is finding a good topic that everyone will enjoy, especially when you have AI tools like ChatGPT for PowerPoint that can help you quickly make an editable presentation around any topic you want. ChatGPT for PowerPoint is a tool we created to help people easily make presentations for anything from education, work or in this case, just for fun. 

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So with that in mind, let’s dive into some of our best PowerPoint night ideas, topics and themes. Whether you’re hanging out with friends or spending time with the family, there’s a lot of fun to be had. 

PowerPoint Night Ideas with Friends 

Some of the best PowerPoint nights are those with friends that take an inward look at said group of friends. Here are some ideas. 

  1. A Ranking of Fictional Universes You’d Most Like to Live In 
  1. Each Friend’s Celebrity Doppelganger by Looks and Personality 
  1. If I Wrote a Book About Our Friend Group, These Would Be the Chapter Titles 
  1. A Ranking of Our Best and Worst Nights Out 
  1. As President, These Are the Cabinet Positions I Would Assign Each of My Friends 
  1. Which Person in the Friend Group Would Make the Best and Worst Reality TV Star 
  1. Which Reality TV Show Each of Us Would Win 
  1. Which Fictional Character Would Make the Best Addition to Our Friend Group 
  1. Which Disney Character Best Matches Each Person’s Personality 
  1. What Everyone’s Job Would Be If We Lived in the Middle Ages 

Funny PowerPoint Night Ideas 

Humor tends to come naturally at this kind of party, but you can really set the vibe by choosing a topic that is just downright silly. Here are some that we know will get the laughs going. 

  1. Which Fast Food Mascots Could Win in a Fight? 
  1. Which Celebrities Are Most Likely to Secretly Be Extraterrestrials? 
  1. The Most Dangerous Thing About Everyone in This Room, Ranked 
  1. My Villain Origin Story Would Be… 
  1. Why Lord Farquaad is the Real Hero of Shrek 
  1. The Best Snacks to Eat While Crying, a Scientific Analysis 
  1. Why ChatGPT is a Better Friend Than All My Real Friends 
  1. Historical Figures That Would Have the Best Podcasts If They Were Alive, and Why 
  1. A Definitive Ranking of Our Friend Group’s Greatest Delusions 
  1. The Worst Fashion Trends Nobody Asked For 
  1. My Concept for an NFT and Why it Would Make Me Millions 
  1. My Most Unpopular Opinion and Why It Will Make You Think Differently of Me 
  1. A Collection of Our Cringiest Middle School Photos 
  1. The Ultimate Sandwich Championship: Which Sandwich is Greater Than Them All? 
  1. Which Dog Breed Would Everyone Be? 

Family PowerPoint Night Ideas  

Of course, you can also have fun as a family. Here are some topics that might fit the family vibe. 

  1. Our Next Family Vacation Should Be to _____, and This is Why 
  1. My Most Embarrassing Childhood Moment, Retold as a Drama 
  1. Designing a Family Crest or Flag 
  1. What Day of the Year Should Become an Official Family Holiday 
  1. The Correct Way to Load a Dishwasher, a Scientific Analysis 
  1. Who is the Favorite Child, and Why 
  1. If the Family Pet Was a Mythical Creature, It Would Be ______ 

[Read more: How AI Can Help You Make More Engaging PowerPoint Presentations] 

How to Take Your PowerPoint Night to the Next Level 

There are things you can do beyond the initial topic selection to make your party really stand out. For instance, you could incorporate props into your presentation or assign each presenter a prop beforehand, requiring that they work it into their presentation somehow. You could even require that everyone work a random, awkward word into their presentation, like “snuggle” or “serendipity.” 

You can also have a vote for the favorite presentation of the night and offer the champion an award. It could be a gas station gift card, a bottle of wine or a $1 baseball trophy you picked up at the thrift store. The trophy could even travel from champion to champion each time you throw a PowerPoint night. 

Of course, we already mentioned another way you can take your presentation to the next level… by using our ChatGPT for PowerPoint add-in. It’s free to try, so see how you can use it to create or edit your presentation for the next PowerPoint party.