Words to avoid in presentations - AI presentation maker

Annoying Corporate Buzzwords to Ban from Your PowerPoint Presentations 

This post will help you future-proof your presentations and other communications in the workplace, ensuring cross-functional alignment and delivering actionable insights that truly move the needle.  Sounds boring, right? That’s because the above sentence is filled with annoying corporate buzzwords that only exist at work. Seriously, nobody actually talks like that in real life, but…

How to write AI policy - rules and conditions

Rules and Governance Best Practices to Include in Your AI Policy 

We know what you’re thinking. Based on that title, you’re probably thinking you’re in for a snoozefest. And if we’re being real, creating a corporate policy that details the acceptable use of artificial intelligence in your company is definitely not the most exciting topic around AI.  So, pretend the title is “The Sacred Laws of…

Write Performance Review using AI

Using AI to Write Your Annual Performance Review 

There may not be a single soul on planet Earth who enjoys writing an annual performance review, whether it’s an employee writing a self-evaluation or a manager writing one about an employee. If you’re an exception, consider yourself lucky… or a sicko.  Thankfully, it is possible to use AI to write your annual performance reviews….

AI powerpoint maker templates - try now for free

Professional and Modern PowerPoint Templates for the Board Room and Beyond 

When you start a new PowerPoint, you have tons of tools available to help make your presentation stand out. Unfortunately, not everyone has the time or skill to design slides that not only look nice but also fit the presentation’s subject matter.  That’s where PowerPoint templates come in. You may be aware that PowerPoint comes…

How to Use AI at Work - ultimate guide

How to Use AI at Work: Top AI Tools for Small and Large Businesses 

Mind-numbing. Tedious. Soul-crushing. If you’ve used any of these words to describe your day-to-day work, then it might be time to start looking for a new job… But before you burn any bridges, we think we can help. There’s a good chance artificial intelligence tools might be able to solve your workplace issues at a fraction…