a human hand and an AI shaking hands

Rules and Governance Best Practices to Include in Your AI Policy 

We know what you’re thinking. Based on that title, you’re probably thinking you’re in for a snoozefest. And if we’re being real, creating a corporate policy that details the acceptable use of artificial intelligence in your company is definitely not the most exciting topic around AI. 

So, pretend the title is “The Sacred Laws of AI Governance That Will Make or break Your Company’s Future,” because this is really important stuff. An AI policy ensures that your company or specific team is using AI responsibly, securely and within the acceptable boundaries of your industry.  

That last part is key, because although we can provide you with a starting point and some helpful tips, only you understand your industry best. So, whatever you take away from this article, just remember you may want to tweak it to fit your specific business. After all, a company that manufactures headphones will have very different needs from their AI policy than a company that sells health insurance. 

AI Governance Best Practices 

Before you write out a corporate AI policy, it can be helpful to establish some AI governance best practices for your company. An AI use policy is really just one part of overall AI governance, and outlining some broader details will help you draft a policy that is effective and thorough. 

There are certain questions you should consider yourself, your peers and your team during this process.  

Who will use AI?  

What can the company use AI for?  

In what ways does AI align with our company values?  

In what ways might using AI conflict with our company values?  

Who in the company is best equipped to make AI policy decisions? 

Once you’ve explored those question, you can start establishing some best practices for AI governance that might include the following: 

  1. Establish clear ethical guidelines 

Like any other technological advancement, AI can be used in good ways and bad ways. Outline the ethical implications of AI use and boundaries that align with your corporate values. 

  1. Ensure regulatory compliance 

Each industry will have different expectations and requirements when it comes to using AI tools. For instance, if you’re in the medical or health insurance fields, ensuring any tools you use that might receive sensitive information are HIPAA-compliant could be crucial. Review any relevant laws that might pertain to your company. 

  1. Implement bias detection and mitigation 

AI isn’t perfect and sometimes the data is trained on can create biases. Users should understand this potential weak point and audits should be done regularly to mitigate this. 

  1. Establish transparency 

Be transparent with coworkers, clients, stakeholders, etc. when it comes to how your company is using AI. 

  1. Define roles and responsibilities 

Identify those in the company who are best equipped to make important AI-related decisions and carry out the guidelines contained here. 

  1. Maintain security 

Using AI to create an unhinged image for a social media meme won’t require the same level of security as using AI to analyze client records. Ensure the appropriate security frameworks are in place for every AI use and that they are assessed regularly. 

  1. Regularly evaluate AI tools and systems 

In the same way we’re constantly making our add-ins at Apps Do Wonders better, AI is constantly changing and growing, so it’s in your best interest to regularly evaluate any AI systems you currently use, as well as any alternative options that are out there. 

  1. Identify AI-related risks and mitigation strategies 

Work with your legal team to identify any risks that you suspect could come from using AI, whether within or outside the boundaries you’ve set. You should also identify any security vulnerability that your IT team might have concerns about. Detail possible mitigation strategies for these. 

  1. Require human oversight 

AI has become really good at being almost human, but in many cases, there is still no replacement for human thought and context. For any critical work or decisions that your company uses AI for, ensure that a human is also involved somewhere along the way. 

[Read more: Using AI to Write Your Performance Reviews] 

rules made from scrabble letters

Artificial Intelligence Acceptable Use Policy for Companies 

With these guidelines in place, you’ll be able to start writing an AI policy. A corporate AI policy communicates with the employees at your company the acceptable ways to use AI and any rules that need to be followed.  

This kind of policy is generally more rigid than the governance best practices, which can evolve and shift as needed. An AI policy, however, should only be updated when governance changes.  

AI Policy Outline Template 

To get started with your own AI policy, you can use the template below, which offers an outline where you can fill in the details with your company’s or team’s information or unique rules. 

[Your Company Name] AI Policy 


  • This policy defines guidelines for the ethical and responsible use of artificial intelligence tools and systems. 
  • It helps ensure compliance with any applicable laws and our company values. 


  • This policy applies to all uses of AI systems by any employee or stakeholder. 
  • These regulations apply to any and all usage. 

Ethical Principles 

  • Bias Mitigation 
  • Transparency 
  • Security 
  • Human Oversight 

AI Usage 

  • All use should be secure 
  • All use should use data ethically 
  • Outputs should be assessed for bias 
  • Outputs should be assessed for compliance with regulations 


  • These guidelines apply to all employees and stakeholders, and they will be responsible for their individual use 
  • Developers are responsible for documenting AI processes 
  • Compliance teams are responsible for regulatory adherence 

Reporting Incidents 

  • Violations or failures of this policy should be reported 
  • When necessary and appropriate, corrective action should be taken 

Policy Review 

  • This policy should be reviewed by all new employees 
  • This policy should be reviewed by all current employees upon implementation and upon changes being established 
  • Violations may result in disciplinary action 

Effective Date: [Insert date] 
Policy Owner: [Department or individuals responsible] 
Signature: [attestation that the policy has been reviewed] 

[Read more: Top AI Tools for Small and Large Businesses] 

Now that you have the boring (but crucial) part of adding AI to your company’s processes, you can start enjoying the benefits. There is a lot of fun and efficiencies to be found, so get to it.